Sunday, August 10, 2014

{Bible Quizzing - Relationship & Revelation}

Bible Quizzing has officially come to a close for the 2014 season.
This past week at NABQT (National American Bible Quizzing Tournament) made me think. What is quizzing truly about? Why do I devote hours every day to quote scriptures over and over again? What I did realize, it's not just to win trophies and ribbons and get "Chariots of Fire" played for you as you go up to receive your medal. Although it is nice to have your name called as the "Quizzer of the Year" or be the highest scorer of a tournament, those things are temporal and are not what Bible quizzing is about.
As I thought more about what Bible quizzing is truly about, I realized Bible quizzing is about relationship. Our relationship with God.
The Bible says in John 1:1,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
   God=His Word. This is such a simple yet profound discovery I made this year. As we quote hundred of scriptures every day, we learn more about God and develop our own personal relationships with Him. We're not saying meaningless words, but making His Word come to life in our lives. It's impossible to not be impacted by the scriptures you study in Bible Quizzing. As I quoted scriptures I drew closer to God. The more verses you memorize, the more you get to know Jesus.
    Just speaking the Word, and having faith in that Word takes you to such a deeper place in God. When you're memorizing the word of God, and quoting it each day, you hide it in your heart. It's so much more than memorization; it's relationship.
    And Bible quizzing is also about Revelation. As we learn these scriptures God reveals Himself and His commandments to us. We don't learn the scriptures to just be able to quote them perfectly, but we learn them to know His Word, and to be able to know the difference between right and wrong.
     2 Timothy 3:16 says:
 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"
     This verse basically speaks for itself. When we're learning God's word, He teaches us right from wrong. The Bible is our map on how to get to heaven, so when kids and teenagers are learning the word for themselves, they don't have to question what they believe or why they do what they do; they know why and they can quote the scripture to prove it.
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
(2 Timothy 2:15)
Quizzers devote their lives to study God's word. And through that, they know how to handle God's word and they have a better understanding of His word.

When I finally realized what Bible quizzing is about, I couldn't believe how perfect our material title was this year; Relationship and Revelation. Through the scriptures we studied this year I developed such a deep relationship with God. And through memorizing the scriptures this year, God revealed Himself to me in such a way I will never forget.

I'm so thankful for this ministry. There is no other ministry that impacts Apostolic young people the way Bible quizzing does. And I cannot wait for "The Way of Wisdom" to begin in 2015.